Friday, September 14, 2007

So I can't promise regular posts, and I have no idea why, at 10:39 am on Friday, September 14, 2007, I have chosen to create my first one. I've recently started a new job at Clarkson University, so I certainly don't have the time...

Maybe it's this whole "being jolted" thing that's getting to me. I've been working here for three weeks, and there have been three of my quotes from class posted on the Daily Jolt. I guess I'm beginning to realize that no matter how busy people are (since I'm SURE my students are very busy working diligently on their assignments), they always find time to use the internet to communicate. Sometimes that communication is anonymous, sometimes personal, sometimes even intimate, but always there! Shouldn't I be a part of that??

Oh, right - what does it mean to "be jolted"? Well, there's this site called the Daily Jolt; since I work at Clarkson, our own version of it can be found at They have this option through which you can submit a professor quote that is added to the archived collection. Near the top of the page is a link to Prof Quotes. Since I teach MA232, Elementary Differential Equations, you can search for "232" (for some reason the name search doesn't seem to work properly). You'll find the quotes that have caught the attention of my students most poignantly somewhere on that list. Sadly (so far), none of them pertains to math.

Now that I've been jolted, others in my department have noticed. Some have said my students must like me to be on the Jolt. This is good. But if they like me, shouldn't there be LOTS of stuff on the Jolt? Now I'm confused. Since this is just a temporary job for me while I'm on leave, does it really matter if they like me? Should I be spending some of my preparation time now trying to think of creative things to say so I can end up on the Jolt?

So many questions are floating in my mind right now. I guess this post really pertains to the larger issue of how we communicate. Cell phones, online chatting, emails - even while I was on vacation at the lake this year, I had to make sure my cell phone was sitting in a place where I had service - WHY??

Well, I'm sure you have all of the answers! Can you share some with me, please? :)


Oh, now it's 11:06 instead of 10:39, should I change it above? Oh, now it's 11:07... This is becoming a whole "thing" with my OCD...


skier1998 said...

Welcome to Blog-Land!! Congrats on your first rambling post. It was amazing. I enjoyed reading your quotes. Seems you are making quite an impact on your students. ha ha. (Do you really have guitar hero??) I could be a groupie. That is almost as good as DDR. ha. ha. If it makes you feel any better - I left my phone at church once and thought I might have a nervous breakdown. Oh BTW, I immediately recognized the pix of Lake Titus on the Pilgrim News. Very lovely picture.

Anonymous said...

Hi - thanks for fixing it up so I could "comment" :-). I love checking on blogs (please note, Tara Joyce & Tiff), and do it often! So, I'll be one of your fans. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I didn't even have to copy any weird letters to get on - and your clock must work as it showed the right time of entry! Good going

Tiffany said...

Holy Smokes!! Go Uncie Donnie!! I'm so proud of you!! You are literally the BEST uncle around now! Hands're at the top of the list!! Luv you and I'll be checking...

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, YES, I read every word of your new blog and I was impressed! If I had anything of interest to share on a blog, I might be tempted....hmmm... went to work while everyone else was sleeping, then went to bed...(next day) hmmm... went to work while everyone else was sleeping, then went to bed...

You see, there wouldn't be much point! But I love reading about everyone else's lives!!

So keep it exciting! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I did read your blog!! See, I do get to use the computer once in a while!! I will certainly keep watching for more posts.
Love you!

skier1998 said...

Now, are you the type of 'blogger (the apostrophe is just for you) - who will post a reply under the comments? Or like myself, I read the comments and never really post any type of response? It seems like that a comment to a comment would perpetuate this ongoing never ending commenting back and forth?! HHhhhmmmm.... the deep questions of having a 'blog. :-)

Don said...

I actually WILL, under the right circumstances (such as when prompted by a very special niece), reply to a comment! I do think by their natures, most comments are simply that, but just so you know I'm watching you watching me, I'm commenting back.

These are VERY deep issues...