Monday, September 17, 2007


I got a bit of good news today. Two weeks ago tomorrow, on Tuesday, September 4, 2007, I had an accident in Potsdam. The other driver went through a stop sign and pulled out in front of me; I had the right-of-way. It was a low-speed collision, and no one was hurt, thank God, but since she was still moving when I hit her, she basically ripped all the "stuff" off the front of my old car. (I'm really thankful I wasn't driving the new one!!) As you can see from the picture, the old clunker is in pretty rough shape. It's a 1998 with about 160,000 miles, so I just figured it was totaled. It's the car I pile all of my miles on, so that was rather unfortunate.

So today, Allstate calls and says they're going to fix it! $2509 and change, and they're getting started as soon as the parts come in. I get my junker back, and my new car can go back where it belongs, IN THE GARAGE!! :)

Anyway, I thought you'd be interested in this tidbit. I actually thought about taking the money and just doing minimal work on the car, kind of driving around with an "I don't care!" attitude, but I guess I'll just let them make it look as presentable as it did before (which isn't very). I forgot to mention to the agent that before the accident, there was NO rust on it, NO squeaks or rattles, and the cassette player (that's right, CASSETTE player) didn't keep rejecting the adaptor I try to use in it. Oh, well...


Tiffany said...

Sweet...gotta love those insurance checks!! Well, I'm glad everyone was okay!! Luv ya and see ya soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hey nice picture of the clunker! Glad they'll fix it, I'd probably be tempted to use that money elsewhere too, but at least you'll still be able to PRESERVE your new car and keep driving the old one!! (for whatever reason that is.....)

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Must be the clunker was worth more than you thought, if they're having it fixed :-). Sounds like it makes sense to go that way, and I hope it goes a long time, like the Energizer Bunny!! See you at the "retreat" Lord willing...

Don said...

Yeah, I intend to drive it into the ground (as distinguished from having someone else PUT it in the ground for me)! We're really looking forward to the retreat - by the weekend, my semester will be 25% over...